
Urban green infra­struc­ture pro­vides a num­ber of cultu­ral eco­sys­tem ser­vices that are great­ly appre­cia­ted by the public. In order to bene­fit from these ser­vices, actual contact with the res­pec­tive eco­sys­tem is often requi­red. Fur­ther­more, the type of ser­vices offe­red depend on the phy­si­cal cha­rac­te­ris­tics of the eco­sys­tem. We conduc­ted a review of publi­ca­tions dea­ling with demand or social fac­tors such as user needs, pre­fe­rences and values as well as spa­tial­ly expli­cit sup­ply or phy­si­cal fac­tors such as amount of green space, (bio)diversity, recrea­tio­nal infra­struc­ture, etc. and lin­king demand and sup­ply fac­tors toge­ther. The aim was to pro­vide an over­view of this high­ly inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry research, to des­cribe how these lin­kages are being made and to iden­ti­fy which fac­tors signi­fi­cant­ly influence dependent variables such as levels of use, acti­vi­ties or health and well-being bene­fits. Com­mon­ly used methods were the com­bi­na­tion of ques­tion­naires with either on-site visual recor­ding of ele­ments or GIS data. Links bet­ween social and phy­si­cal data were usual­ly esta­bli­shed either by using sta­tis­ti­cal tools or by over­laying dif­ferent the­ma­tic maps. Com­pa­red to the large num­ber of variables asses­sed in most stu­dies, the signi­fi­cant effects in the end were rela­ti­ve­ly few, not consistent across the stu­dies and lar­ge­ly dependent on the context they were seen in. Stu­dies focu­sed on aes­the­tic and recrea­tio­nal ser­vices, while spi­ri­tual, edu­ca­tio­nal and ins­pi­ra­tio­nal ser­vices were not consi­de­red when crea­ting links to spa­tial­ly expli­cit eco­lo­gi­cal struc­tures. We conclude that an impro­ve­ment and har­mo­ni­za­tion of metho­do­lo­gies, cross-coun­try stu­dies and an expan­sion of this line of research to a wider range of ser­vices and more user groups could help cla­ri­fy rela­tion­ships and the­re­by increase appli­ca­bi­li­ty for urban mana­ge­ment and planning.

Heget­sch­wei­ler, K. T., de Vries, S., Arn­ber­ger, A., Bell, S., Bren­nan, M., Siter, N., … Hun­zi­ker, M. (2017). Lin­king demand and sup­ply fac­tors in iden­ti­fying cultu­ral eco­sys­tem ser­vices of urban green infra­struc­tures: a review of Euro­pean stu­diesUrban Fores­try & Urban Gree­ning21, 48–59. DOI10.1016/j.ufug.2016.11.002