Urban Forestry

The trend towards urba­ni­sa­tion conti­nues world­wide. In urban centres and their agglo­me­ra­tions, the popu­la­tion is increa­sing. In order to ensure a high qua­li­ty of life, the new chal­lenge is a good mix of contruc­ted areas and green spaces as local recrea­tion areas. This also applies to a large extent to Swit­zer­land, since over 70 percent of the popu­la­tion lives in urban areas. For city dwel­lers, green spaces such as parks, public gar­dens, groves or peri-urban forests are beco­ming increa­sin­gly impor­tant, as new trends show.

Against the back­ground of cli­mate change, the ques­tion of how social coexis­tence with and in eco­sys­tems can be sha­ped is more urgent than ever. Trees, urban forests and urban green spaces play a cru­cial role in the qua­li­ty of life in Swiss cities.

Urban Fores­try addresses in an inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry way the coexis­tence of people in and with the urban eco­sys­tem, inclu­ding trees, urban forests, parks, green spaces and the urban landscape.

myEFUF — The new app for Urban Forestry with agenda and marketplace

It is impor­tant to us that we can conti­nue to main­tain good exchange in the field of urban fores­try and net­wor­king with col­leagues des­pite the dis­tance. Arbo­ci­ty­net and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences Graubün­den, with the sup­port of the Fede­ral Office for the Envi­ron­ment, have deve­lo­ped an app that shows the cur­rent events of the Euro­pean Forum on Urban Forestry.

We have set up the mar­ket­place so that all of you can also par­ti­ci­pate. You can open your own ses­sions and upload pos­ters or flyers with your infor­ma­tion. The app is avai­lable in 5 lan­guages (de, fr, en, it, es), you can choose the lan­guage in the app set­tings of your phone.

You can find the myE­FUF app in the google plays­tore for Android devices and in the Apps­tore for all Apple devices.

Urban Forestry Podcast

On Spo­ti­fy you can find the Urban Fores­try Pod­cast ini­tia­ted by myE­FUF (Euro­pean Forum on Urban Fores­try). People are regu­lar­ly invi­ted to talk about their pas­sions, pro­fes­sions and desires that are rela­ted to trees and forests.

ACN lives through the active par­ti­ci­pa­tion of its mem­bers: send us your contri­bu­tions, infor­ma­tion on confe­rences, pro­jects and lite­ra­ture tips, etc. 

Create contri­bu­tion


Dr. Jery­lee Wilkes-Allemann