
Baum tanzt mit Gebäude

A Swiss network for building bridges

Com­bi­ning science and prac­tice, the net­wor­kers use ACN as a plat­form for the active exchange of know­ledge and expe­rience, for the search for solu­tions that trans­cend dis­ci­pli­na­ry boun­da­ries, for for­ward-loo­king dis­cus­sions, for research and for the deve­lop­ment of joint projects.

Arbo­Ci­ty­Net sees itself as a net­work of experts from dif­ferent dis­ci­plines, concei­ved in ana­lo­gy to the Euro­pean Forum on Urban Fores­try EFUF. Arbo­Ci­ty­Net is based on the fol­lo­wing gui­ding principles:


In constant dialogue

We value com­mu­ni­ca­tion that is wor­thy of the name: com­plete and time­ly mutual infor­ma­tion, infor­med dis­cus­sion, consen­sus-buil­ding, but also the airing of dissent.

Develop cooperations

New part­ner­ships create added value for prac­tice and research as well as for know­ledge and tech­no­lo­gy transfer.

Promoting sustainability in the urban context

The net­wor­kers of Arbo­Ci­ty­Net make an impor­tant contri­bu­tion to sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty in urban set­tle­ment areas. They res­pect and pro­tect the digni­ty of people and nature.

ACN lives through the active par­ti­ci­pa­tion of its mem­bers: send us your contri­bu­tions, infor­ma­tion on confe­rences, pro­jects and lite­ra­ture tips, etc. 

Create contri­bu­tion


Dr. Jery­lee Wilkes-Allemann