
Here you will find reports on the topic of Urban Forestry.

Bio­di­ver­Ci­ties by 2030: Insight Report 2022 (World Eco­no­mic Forum)

Alle wol­len Bäume, doch kei­ner will sie (SRF Kul­tur-Talk mit Mark Krieger)

Tagung­sdo­ku­men­ta­tion DE (ACN, 2019)

Tagung­sdo­ku­men­ta­tion FR (ACN, 2019)

Stadtwäl­der und Grünräume (Bun­de­samt für Umwelt BAFU, 2018)

ACN lives through the active par­ti­ci­pa­tion of its mem­bers: send us your contri­bu­tions, infor­ma­tion on confe­rences, pro­jects and lite­ra­ture tips, etc. 

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Dr. Jery­lee Wilkes-Allemann