City walk in Zurich North — Natural fragments in the midst of the building boom

The city tour leads through the for­mer indus­trial site of Zurich North, a gigan­tic construc­tion area from which, howe­ver, the urban wil­der­ness has not yet been com­ple­te­ly pushed back — or is even on the advance.

The star­ting point is the Hun­zi­ke­ra­real, where the coope­ra­tive Mehr als Woh­nen has been rea­li­zing its vision of com­mu­nal living since 2015, with out­door space playing a cru­cial role. The open land­scape archi­tec­tu­ral concept of the rather urban squares contrasts with the den­se­ly over­grown niches of the com­mu­ni­ty gar­dens, where dif­ferent par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry concepts are imple­men­ted in col­la­bo­ra­tion with the ZHAW.

From here we walk to the SRF tele­vi­sion stu­dio, next to which a fami­ly of bea­vers set­tled some time ago and has since cut down many trees in the area and dam­med up the Leut­schen­bach. Here is also the new Leut­schen­park, with its so-cal­led “Baum­topf”, a rude­ral forest domi­na­ted by old black locust trees, which may not be ente­red because of the high pol­lu­tion levels and has the­re­fore been vir­tual­ly wal­led in (https://zü Near­by is also the popu­lar Opfi­ker­park with its huge arti­fi­cial lake, as well as smal­ler urban forests and other rude­ral sites along the Kat­zen­bach and at the Gleis­dreieck Seebach.

After­wards, the gene­ral assem­bly of the mem­bers of Arbo­Ci­ty­Net will take place in the All­men­draum Genos­sen­schaftss­trasse 18.

Sche­dule: 14:00 — 17:00 (city tour), 17:00 — 18:30 (GV ArboCityNet)

Star­ting and ending point of the city tour: All­men­draum Mehr als Woh­nen, Genos­sen­schaftss­tr. 18 (back side), 8050 Zürich

Karte zur Anreise zum Hunziker-Areal




    Event registration

    14:00 –
    Zurich North