Advancing the sustainable management of urban trees and forests

A virtual peer-to-peer learning roundtable

Urban trees and forests are a cost-effi­cient and sca­lable nature-based solu­tion that can play a key role for sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment and cli­mate change adap­ta­tion and miti­ga­tion in cities. Many cities are streng­the­ning efforts to inte­grate urban trees and forests into their resi­lience stra­te­gies and to deve­lop or update urban fores­try mas­ter­plans. Howe­ver, while doing so, cities have faced many challenges.

By pro­vi­ding a peer-to-peer lear­ning oppor­tu­ni­ty for mayors, local sta­ke­hol­ders and experts, the webi­nar aims to dis­cuss how urban fores­try and green infra­struc­ture can be inte­gra­ted into urban plan­ning, unders­tand how trees can be sus­tai­na­bly grown in cities, and share expe­riences on inno­va­tive approaches to finance sus­tai­nable urban forestry.

Selec­ted cities and experts will share examples and pro­ven prac­tices for addres­sing these chal­lenges, and mayors, local sta­ke­hol­ders, and experts are encou­ra­ged to pro­vide input in peer-to-peer Q&As. Anyone inter­es­ted in urban fores­try is wel­come to regis­ter for the event and to fol­low the pre­sen­ta­tions and discussions.

The webi­nar is orga­ni­zed as part of UNECE’s “Trees in Cities Chal­lenge”, a glo­bal cam­pai­gn invi­ting mayors to pledge, res­tore, pro­tect, and sus­tai­na­bly manage urban trees and forests. Mayors are invi­ted to make pledges for actions through 2022 and to join the com­mu­ni­ty of cities exchan­ging expe­rience as part of their par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the Challenge.

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