
Climate-adaptive management of urban trees and forests

The main concern of this pro­ject is the cost-effec­tive use and pro­mo­tion of the cli­mate-adap­tive eco­sys­tem ser­vices that urban trees and forests offer as an exis­ting resource. This outs­tan­ding impor­tance is still too lit­tle reco­gni­sed in Swit­zer­land and insuf­fi­cient­ly inte­gra­ted in stra­te­gic as well as ope­ra­tio­nal plan­ning. With the open source appli­ca­tion i‑Tree, struc­tu­ral and quan­ti­ta­tive strengths and defi­cits can be iden­ti­fied on a science-based basis. The pro­ject enables the com­bi­na­tion of this infor­ma­tion with inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry stra­te­gies and appli­ca­tions, allo­wing crea­tive solu­tions to be deve­lo­ped to improve the cli­mate-adap­tive bene­fits of urban trees and forests. This pro­ject will improve the abi­li­ty of Swiss cities to pro­vide large cano­py volumes in the long term, to plan local­ly in a concrete way and to manage them sus­tai­na­bly, as vital, large cano­pies are espe­cial­ly impor­tant for pro­vi­ding eco­sys­tem ser­vices to ensure cli­mate-adap­tive mana­ge­ment of green resources. 

Further information

Project management:
Andrea Saluz, ZHAW
Project duration:
01.01.2018 –
Project partner:
ZHAW, Pan Bern, Arbor Aegis